JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion stated that in an effort to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, a combination of science and religion is needed, especially in Indonesia, there are pros and cons in the midst of a society in responding to this dangerous virus.

"We are currently faced with an intellectual theological challenge, how clergy and scientists need to collaborate to provide a convincing answer in viewing the COVID-19 phenomenon based on critical reflective thinking based on their respective sciences", said Secretary-General of the Ministry of Religion, Nizar Ali, in a Virtual Interfaith Dialogue, held monitored from Jakarta, Tuesday.

He gave an example that currently there is still public polarization in responding to COVID-19. Some people have responded fatally to COVID-19, meaning that they just leave their lives to fate without any effort to protect themselves.

"Others respond based on science and leave it entirely to health workers without being balanced with religious beliefs", he said.

On the one hand, there is disobedience on the part of the community in implementing the prokes under the pretext of religion and there are extreme ones who believe that the COVID-19 issue is purely a matter of medicine or science, he said.

As religious people, he said, interpretation of religious teachings needs to combine theological and rational attitudes. Faith should strengthen the spiritual aspect while science helps with practical solutions.

"Here, science is understood as a human endeavor as a divine will. On that basis, we appreciate a number of religious organizations that have responded to the COVID-19 phenomenon by issuing fatwas and circulars which are of course very relevant in the context of preventing the spread of COVID-19", he said.

In addition, he invited religious believers to strengthen each other and be in solidarity, because not a few people have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, both in terms of health and the economy. All elements of society must hold hands in ending the crisis that has been going on for more than a year.

"Besides the importance of proper religious and scientific literacy, there are several other important things needed in dealing with this pandemic, namely increasing solidarity and social welfare", he said.

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