JAKARTA - Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said the government had prepared a number of things to anticipate the transmission of COVID-19 in the midst of the Papua National Sports Week (PON) in October.

These preparations include preparing hundreds of medical personnel in the middle of the sporting event.

"To make PON activities run well, 420 medical personnel have been prepared," said Dante in a press conference that was broadcast online on the YouTube of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Monday, September 6.

In addition, in the slide presentation that was presented by Dante, he also explained that there were other anticipations in the form of the preparation of 18 district/city referral hospitals and 4 national referral hospitals that were integrated with venues, athletes' homestays, and medical stations.

The next anticipation is the provision of the COVID-19 vaccine. Dante said there are a number of areas that need to be injected quickly at this time.

"So the vaccinations that have been given to several regions require optimal and accelerated vaccinations, especially in Jayapura City, Merauke Regency, Mimika Regency, Jayapura Regency, and Keerom Regency," he said.

Furthermore, Dante said the COVID-19 pandemic in the country had passed its peak in terms of confirmed cases, the number of people hospitalized, and the death rate.

However, he appealed to the public not to ignore health protocols and to remain disciplined.

"Health protocols are the determining factor whether cases will increase or not in the future," said Dante.

"We will face a pandemic and it may become endemic if the decline in cases gets better," he concluded.

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