JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, believes that it is time for the Bill on Personal Data Protection (RUU PDP) to be ratified into law.
This is because the problem of data leakage in a number of government agencies always occurs repeatedly, even in sequential cases.
Lastly, the most horrendous thing is the leak of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) data, both the population identification number (NIK) on the General Elections Commission (KPU) website as well as Jokowi's vaccine certificate.
"Currently, it is being discussed in the DPR, between the DPR and the government with long discussions with the DIM (problem inventory list) which is indeed so many. Hopefully soon there will be a meeting point that will produce a law for the people and for all of us. ," said Dasco at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Monday, September 6.
Regarding government agencies that only delete the personal data of state officials, Dasco said, his party will question it in a meeting with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) in the near future. The House of Representatives will also ask about the solution to this leak. "Later, we will convey to Kominfo at the Commission I meeting which will take place in the near future, how the solution and follow-up will be," said Dasco.
Nevertheless, the Daily Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP asked not to look for scapegoats in this data leak case. Moreover, accusing the ministry/institution (K/L).
The reason, said Dasco, is that all Ministries/Institutions hold data for their own purposes. So according to him, it would be better if we find a solution together. "The Ministry of Home Affairs holds the data, because it is related to the election. The Ministry of Health also holds data related to health, BPJS also holds it. It's better then we sit down together to find a solution," said Dasco.
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