Maid At North Kuta Villa Messages 'Don't Wake Me On Holiday', When Checked It's Lifeless

BADUNG - A woman who worked as a housemaid with the initials KDN (24) was found dead at the San Salvatore villa, North Kuta, Badung, Bali.

"It was known (he died) at around 06.30 WITA," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of North Kuta Police Iptu I Made Purwantara, Monday, September 6.

From the testimony of the witness with the initials NN, he was told by the villa security around this morning that the KDN victim was dead.

According to witness NN, the victim had not left the room since Saturday, September 4. Witness NN was given a message so as not to disturb the victim during the weekend.

"(The message) don't wake me up on Saturday or Sunday when I have a day off," the victim's message was quoted by the police.

Witness NN last met the victim on Saturday, September 4th. The next day, the witness did not see the victim coming out of the room.

"Because of the victim's message not to disturb when the victim is on vacation, the witness did not call the victim on Sunday," added Purwantara.

Only later this morning, the witness found out that the victim was dead in his room.

"When the window was successfully pryed out, the witness found the victim was unconscious and the body was swollen in the left arm with the head prone position to the west wearing a purple shirt and shorts," said Purwantara.

This incident was reported to the North Kuta Police. The cause of death of the victim is still being investigated.

"The victim's body has been evacuated. Meanwhile, the cause of death of the victim is still under investigation," said Purwantara.

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