JAKARTA – Millennials who want to start a career do not feel confused in choosing a business. SOE Minister Erick Thohir gave tips for Generation Z or Gen Z, both for beginners and those who are developing a business.

"The key is that we have to be optimistic. Optimistic about change, optimistic about opportunities, and how we have to improve our capabilities by studying and other things," said Erick Thohir in an online seminar held by the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Saturday, September 4. .

According to Minister Erick, if these two things are present in each individual, there will be a path to the goal to be achieved.

Erick Thohir also conveyed that he and the ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet remained optimistic, despite facing the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic, and continued to work hard for 24 hours to continue to serve the people.

"Because why? We as public servants must not be tired of serving the people. This must come from the heart, because if it is not from the heart it becomes difficult.

I don't think there should be anything that is difficult for us to become part of that isn't optimistic. We must build an optimistic attitude, because that is the key. And I myself am still learning with the changes in COVID-19 and corporate changes that have occurred, I continue to learn," he said.

Previously, the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, said that the way will always be there for people who are willing to try and pray.

In addition, Erick Thohir also said that the core values of morals are important to be applied by Generation Z young people who are future leaders.

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