BEKASI - East Bekasi Police officers are hunting for the perpetrator of the persecution of a busker named Kristianto who died at a duck rice stall on Jalan Rawa Indah, Margahayu, Bekasi, West Java.

According to the officer's statement, his party has obtained the name of the perpetrator, and members are moving to hunt him down. East Bekasi Police Chief, AKP Rusit Malaka said his party identified the perpetrator named Sahroni alias Tompel.

"We are still investigating and hunting down the perpetrators with a joint team from the Bekasi Police and the Metro Jaya Police," said AKP Rusit Malaka to reporters, Friday, September 3.

Rusit said, the perpetrator and the victim were professional colleagues and when viewed from the chronological point of view, it was a personal case. The perpetrator committed the act in a drunken state.

"So there is no love motive in this case, it's a problem with the division of the land for singing," he explained.

So far, said Rusit, the investigation stage is still being carried out by the police, including looking for evidence. The police chief asked the perpetrators to surrender immediately.

"We ask to immediately surrender ourselves as soon as possible, we will take firm action if the perpetrators do not surrender immediately," he said.

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