BATANG - A joint team of officers from the Batang Resort Police and the General Crime and Investigation Directorate of the Central Java Police has revealed the motive for the murder of a fish processing secretary, Penta Febrilia (24) in North Karangasem Village, Batang District.

Batang Police Chief AKBP Edwin Louis Sengka said this was after the suspect Salis Saiful (24) had pre-reconstructed 23 scenes.

"The victim died as a result of being killed by the suspect at the fish processing office. The motive for killing the victim was revenge due to the victim's unilateral termination of her engagement," said Police Chief Edwin at a press conference reported by Antara, Friday, September 3.

Based on the results of the examination of the suspect, it was found that the victim had been engaged to the perpetrator for about a year. However, the victim then unilaterally broke off the engagement so that the suspect felt annoyed and resentful.

The suspect then planned to kill Penta Febrilia by going to the fish processing warehouse office on a motorbike.

"After arriving at the fish processing warehouse office, the suspect saw the victim going to the bathroom. At that time, the suspect, wearing gloves, strangled the victim's neck from behind," he said.

After killing the victim, the suspect attempted to eliminate the trail by locking the office door and exiting through the window.

"The victim's body was only found 2 days later or Sunday, June 13. Meanwhile, the suspect was arrested by the Resmob team of the Resort Police and the Central Java Police on Thursday, September 2," he said.

As a result of his actions, the suspect will be subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 15 years in prison and Article 351 Paragraph (3) with a threat of 7 years.

"The case is still under further investigation by the Batang Satreskrim Police with a backup from the Central Java Police Direskrimum," he said.

The suspect, Salis Saiful, admitted to killing the victim because he felt revenge after the unilateral annulment of his engagement.

"He (the victim, ed.) broke off our one-year engagement. That's why I feel revenge for the victim," he said.

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