JAKARTA - Psychology expert from the University of Indonesia Rosmini asked the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to investigate whether or not other employees experienced acts of sexual harassment and bullying or bullying.

According to him, this needs to be done after the Central KPI employee, MS, who claimed to have experienced the two incidents from his colleague who is a senior.

"What should be done now is to investigate and investigate what caused this person to be treated like that and no one has ever experienced this (sexual harassment and bullying, ed)," Rosmini said by telephone to VOI, Thursday, September 2. .

If it is found that there are other employees who have experienced the same thing, it means that there is a problem within the Central KPI.

"For example, the boss is favoritism or how management is so that there are things that make it so easy for people to do that," said Rosmini.

However, if this is the first time this has happened, it is necessary to investigate further what caused it.

In addition, Rosmini said that this act of sexual harassment and bullying must also be considered and get serious treatment. Because, it is not impossible in the future they will do similar behavior to other people.

Moreover, referring to MS's statement, what his co-worker did was no longer reasonable.

"There was an unnatural behavior that made other people uncomfortable," he said.

"And this is an office, not a place for children's toys. People who have common sense will not do that. Whatever it takes, whether it's for fun or something," added Rosmini.

However, this does not mean that MS as the victim must then be silenced. He asked the victim to be investigated further what is suspected to be the cause of his co-worker's actions.

Not only that, Rosmini also reminded workers to report if they see their colleagues being harassed or bullied so that they can be followed up so that cases like this don't happen again.

As previously reported, MS said he was a victim of sexual harassment and bullying by seven of his more senior colleagues.

One of the sexual harassments she experienced was in 2015, when the perpetrators violently grabbed her head, hands, feet, stripped her naked, stabbed her, and abused her.

"(They, ed) harassed me by scribbling on my testicles using markers," said MS in a chain message he sent because he felt it was his last resort.

"This incident traumatized me and I lost my emotional stability. How can this kind of evil harassment happen at the Central KPI? What kind of syndicate is the perpetrator? They even documented my gender and made me powerless against them after the tragedy," he added.

Related to this case, the Criminal Investigation Police also intervened to investigate this matter. In fact, a team of investigators has been deployed.

However, the Director of General Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Brigadier General Andi Rian, has not been able to comment much on the matter. He emphasized that the team that was deployed would seek information and instructions first.

In addition, MS has also reported this case to the Central Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday, September 1 last night. When reporting, he was accompanied by the Central KPI Commissioner, Nuning Rodiyah.

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