JAKARTA - The University of Indonesia (UI) is ranked at the top in Indonesia based on THE World University Rankings 2022 issued by the world university ranking agency The Times Higher Education (THE) through the https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings page /2022/world-ranking.Universitas Indonesia (UI) is in the 801-1000 world ranking group with an overall score of 27.2-31.9. UI Chancellor Prof. Ari Kuncoro in his statement, reported by Antara, Thursday, September 2, hopes that UI will continue to improve itself. According to him, as a university that is superior, inclusive, tolerant, and dignified, UI always strives to provide solutions to various problems faced by the Indonesian nation. "UI realizes this form of solution through strategic steps towards Entrepreneurial University," he said. One of the steps is research and innovation, which not only encourages the creation of academic reputation through publications and the number of intellectual property, but also creates a bigger impact by encouraging downstreaming. and commercialization of all the ideas, creativity, and works of UI. "The challenges ahead are getting tougher and we have to be ready," said Prof. Ari Kuncoro.UI is the only university from Indonesia that is included in the group. A total of 1,662 universities in 99 countries in the world are included in THE World University Rankings 2022. The performance indicators for THE World University Rankings 2022 are grouped into five areas, namely Teaching (the learning environment); Research (volume, income and reputation); Citation (research influence); International outlook (staff, students and research); and Industry Income (knowledge transfer). This year, UI excels in the Industry Income indicator with a score of 80.7, and gets the highest score out of 4 other indicators. When compared to other universities in Indonesia, UI ranks first in Indonesia. In addition, UI scores on the International Outlook, Research, and Teaching indicators also occupy the top positions in the ranks of universities in Indonesia. On the Industry Income indicator, THE WUR measures the ability of universities to help industry with innovation, discovery, and consulting, which have become their mission. the core of the contemporary global academy. This category seeks to capture this knowledge transfer activity by looking at how much research income the institution earns from industry (adjusted by the Public Private Partnership), adjusted for the number of academic staff it employs.

Among countries in Southeast Asia, UI is in 17th position out of 76 institutions. UI's ranking is superior to well-known universities in Southeast Asia, such as King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand), Sultan Idris Education University (Malaysia), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Malaysia), and Chiang Mai University (Thailand). UI's superior performance indicators in the Southeast Asia region are Teaching, Industry Income, and International Outlook. On the Teaching indicator, UI got the 3rd highest score, then on the Industry Income indicator it was in 6th position, while International Outlook had the 13th highest score out of 76 institutions in Southeast Asia. The World University Rankings (WUR) is the only one the only global performance table that rates research-intensive universities on all of the universities' core missions covering teaching, research, citation, knowledge transfer, and international outlook indicators. THE WUR uses 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and comprehensive comparison. balanced on rankings, and trusted by students, academics, university leaders, industry, and government.

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