JAKARTA - Angkot number 32 heading to Kampung Melayu - Klender with number B 1742 VT went viral on social media this morning. In the video that circulated, the blue angkot was blocking the speed of the ambulance carrying the patient.

"Bringing Control Patients from Behind the Cipinang Prison for the purpose of RSCM. Right in the middle of the ambulance trip, we experienced an unexpected incident, namely an Angkot Route 32 with a plate *B 1742 VT* (Kp Melayu-Klender) Arrived "Enter the Busway Line and had time" Nye Angkot Stopped to drop off passengers and stopped the ambulance on the busway lane even though there is an ambulance behind it and in front of the angkot there is an ambulance escort volunteer. Tkp at the East Jakarta Immigration Office Dpn," wrote the Instagram account @info_jakartatimur, Wednesday, September 1.

Agung, the ambulance driver said that he picked up the patient from behind the Cipinang Prison, East Jakarta. After entering the main road, Agung wanted to enter the busway. Not long after, public transportation number 32 immediately blocked the ambulance road by swerving to the right through the busway barrier.

"Yes, that's right (obstacle). An angkot that goes to Kampung Melayu – Klender, number 32. I didn't honk the horn, instead he dropped the passenger. That's how he broke through the busway. Even though I rushed to the RSCM, bringing the patient.” explained Agung to VOI, Wednesday, September 1.

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