JAKARTA - Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Tarmizi Tohor stated that waqf funds may be used for state infrastructure development. It depends on the intention of the waqf or what is called waqif.

"Waqf is allowed to build infrastructure, there is no problem. If waqf is not a problem to build infrastructure, in accordance with the wishes of the waqf, waqif," said Tarmizi at the 2021 Zakat and Waqf Literacy Festival when answering questions from , Tuesday, August 31.

"For example, I am waqf, I am building an airport, go ahead, donate it to the community, depending on the person who is waqf, where he intends to distribute the waqf, depending on the waqif," he said.

Furthermore, he hopes that the community, especially the younger generation, will participate in waqf and tithe. He said, waqf and zakat not only reward the giver, but also society and the state.

"I had said that the state would not be strong only with the state budget alone to overcome economic problems, so it needed assistance from zakat, waqf, and Islamic finance," he said.

Director General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion Phil H Kamaruddin Amin stated that the potential for waqf in Indonesia reached Rp180 trillion. However, the realization is still small.

"So we are still waiting for productive hands from all parties," he said.

Meanwhile, the potential for zakat in Indonesia is around Rp. 233 trillion per year. The amount collected at this time is still small from this potential, but it is not stated how much.

"This means that there are still opportunities to be better in the future, although we have taken a number of strategic steps with existing zakat institutions. But it will take time because zakat is the key to community participation," he concluded.

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