JAKARTA - Records of initial public offering through an initial public offering (IPO) mechanism on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) until the end of the first semester of 2020, up 64.7 percent over the same period in 2019. The number of companies that have IPOs reached 28.

However, if we refer to the overall listing of new issuers in 2019, this year's number will decrease by 10.9 percent. Throughout 2019, the IDX listed 55 new issuers, while this year there are still 21 potential issuers remaining, which means the total will be 49 new issuers.

However, IDX Director of Company Assessment I Gede Nyoman Yetna explained, his party is still open to receiving IPO applications from potential issuers.

"We are waiting for the executives and owners. If anyone else submits, we will process it," Nyoman told reporters at a virtual press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 30.

Nyoman explained, of the 21 IPO waiting lists, the number is divided into several sectors, from trade services & investment, finance, property, basic industry, to agriculture. In addition, 11 of them are companies with large assets.

Listing Fee Discounts

According to POJK 53/2017, the criteria for companies with large assets are those with asset values of more than IDR 250 billion. Meanwhile, small asset companies are Rp. 50 billion, and medium assets range from Rp. 50 to Rp. 250 billion. To increase interest in IPOs, the IDX with the approval of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) provides a 50 percent discount on listing fees.

In detail, the cost of listing on the main board, which was originally Rp. 250 million to Rp. 125 million, the cost of listing on the development board by Rp150 million has decreased to Rp. 75 million, while the cost of listing on the acceleration board has not changed.

"The costs are different for those who wish to list additional shares," said Nyoman.

Nyoman added, the cost of listing additional shares ranges from IDR 10 million to IDR 150 million. However, after the discount, the minimum cost is IDR 5 million with a maximum of IDR 75 million, depending on the listing board. This listing fee discount will be valid until 17 December 2020.

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