JAKARTA - The coalition party's praise of President Joko Widodo for handling the COVID-19 pandemic was highlighted by a member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PKS faction, Netty Prasetiyani Aher. According to her, the government should not be complacent with praise that the handling of the pandemic is on track.

"We have to analyze all the core indicators for handling the pandemic, are the statistics really getting better? The danger is if the government gets carried away with praise that is not based on valid data. This can obscure the real situation", said Netty to reporters, Monday, August 30.

The deputy chairman of the House of Representatives PKS Faction reminded that although the daily cases of COVID-19 have shown a decline, Indonesia is still in a period of pandemic crisis. In the health sector, COVID-19 cases are still high and the positivity rate is still above the WHO standard.

"We have also been champions of deaths due to COVID-19 in the world. Vaccine distribution has not been evenly distributed and daily vaccination targets are often missed. There have even been cases of mistargeting of the use of booster vaccines for health workers by several officials and other groups who are not entitled to it", she explained.

In addition, according to Netty, the disbursement of health workers' incentives and the payment of hospital claims are still problematic. In fact, he said, several areas were still in the red zone or PPKM Level 4.

"So what are the indicators for the successful handling of the pandemic?" he asked.

The chairman of the PKS Executive Board also considered that the praise by political figures who were present at the meeting last Wednesday, August 25, contrasted with the facts on the ground. Moreover, many murals represent the cries of the people's hearts.


“Many people are anxious, difficult, and don't know what to do. The number of unemployed and layoffs has increased, the poverty rate has increased, many people's businesses have closed or collapsed, while social assistance with a small amount for the people has been corrupted", said Netty.

It's a shame, said Netty, when people express their anxiety through mural criticism, government officials actually do the deletion.


"The question is, why did the criticism of the people's murals get deleted, but the praises that lack data are actually widely publicized in the media", said the West Java legislator.


Therefore, Netty emphasized that it was time for the government to focus on handling COVID-19 and not to be lulled by praise. She asked the government to ensure that all sectors collaborate to control the pandemic with the same standards.


"On the one hand, it should not be tightened, while on the other hand there are specialization programs of ministries and institutions that require the presence of several participants", said Netty.


Netty hopes that the government will not turn a deaf ear to criticism from the people or anyone else. Because the purpose of the criticism was to improve the government's performance to save the people.


"So don't take it as passing wind or even call it an attempt to make things worse. We all love Indonesia and want this nation to be able to get through the crisis", said Netty.

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