JAKARTA - The Ummat Party announced the legality of the party after it was approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as a legal entity. The Ummat Party at the same time inaugurated its new office in Tebet, South Jakarta.

"Considering that the current DPP office is not big enough to inaugurate the use of this building and more importantly inform the public that the Ummat Party is legitimate, legal and legitimate on the national political stage," said Chairman of the Ummat Party Syuro Council, Amien Rais, Saturday, 28 August.

The Ummat Party Syuro Council, continued Amien, expressed gratitude to the government for issuing a decree so that the Ummat Party could enliven the national political scene.

"God willing, the Ummat Party will try hard to prevent our democracy from degenerating into a political oligarchy and an economic oligarchy," said the former PAN general chairman.

In the world, continued Amien Rais, oligarchy only produces the majority of the people who have their dignity trampled on and afflicted with poverty.

The Ummat Party, said Amien, took lessons from the apostles of Ulil Azmi, namely Prophet Nuh AS, Nahi Ibrahim AS, Prophet Musa AS, Prophet Isa AS, and Prophet Muhammad SAW. Where in history has always defended the poor, there is no purpose to defend the rulers who are usually unjust.

"And the Ummat Party will uphold the truth taught by Allah SWT," said Amien.

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