JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Fadjroel Rachman, said that the meeting between President Joko Widodo and 7 General Chairmen and Secretary Generals of Political Parties was internal. Thus, it cannot be informed to the public unless the person concerned is speaking at the meeting.

"Yesterday, there was an internal meeting, so the meeting was between President Jokowi and the 7 chiefs and the secretary-general. If the internal meeting is actually only the president and those who are invited have the right to speak the truth," said Fadjroel in the Trijaya Polemic discussion 'Reading the Directions of the Government Coalition' virtually, Saturday, August 28.

Fadjroel admitted that he did not participate in the meeting due to the internal nature of the meeting. If any information reaches the public, then the right to speak lies with the invited guests.

"So I just quote what was said by those who have the right to convey it to the public. If those who participate don't speak, we don't know what will come," he wrote.

However, Fadjroel revealed the 5 agendas presented by the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate on Wednesday, August 25. He is also the Secretary-General of the NasDem Party.

"First, regarding updates on progress, challenges, and plans for handling COVID-19. Second, regarding national macroeconomic development. Third, state economic and business strategies. Fourth, regarding state administration, regional autonomy, and government systems due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and fifth, about the new nation's capital city and its follow-up," he explained.

"So that's all that was discussed in the meeting with the 7 chiefs and the secretary-general," continued Fadjroel.

Regarding the cabinet reshuffle due to the invitation of PAN to the meeting, Fadjroel emphasized that President Jokowi always said that today's problem was to resolve the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So the president and all ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet will only focus on solving the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained.

"About a cabinet reshuffle is his prerogative, I only talk about a reshuffle after the president spoke. So he spoke first and then I spoke even though maybe something was circulating everywhere. Because I am a soldier and he is the supreme commander," said Fadjroel.

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