JAKARTA - The discourse on the addition of the presidential term has re-emerged in line with the issue of the fifth amendment to the 1945 Constitution to accommodate the Principles of State Policy (PPHN).

Previously, a source from Tempo Magazine's June 19, 2021 edition revealed that people in President Jokowi's circle are suspected of preparing two scenarios so that the discourse on a three-term presidential term can be realized. The first scenario is to open the opportunity for the third period of five years through general elections.

Then the second, extending the term of office of the president to a maximum of three years. The extension was also accompanied by additional terms of office for members of the DPR and DPD. But the two scenarios still require amendments to the 1945 Constitution. This change needs to be proposed at least one-third of the total members of the MPR or 237 of the 711 members of the DPR and DPD.

Deputy Chairperson of the MPR, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW), emphasized that the MPR had never intended to change the president's term of office to three terms.

"So far, the intention or discourse to change the term of office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to three terms has never come from the MPR," said Hidayat, Saturday, August 28.

This senior PKS politician said that the discourse on increasing the term of office of the President came from former leaders of political parties and survey activists.

"There have appeared from outside the DPR/MPR such as individual survey activists, former party leaders, and others. But from the MPR, let alone official ones, there are none. Let's guard and implement the 1945 Constitution," said HNW.

It is known, in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution, it is clearly regulated regarding the position of the president, namely in fulfilling the position for five years and afterward, the president can be re-elected in the same position, only for one term of office.

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