JAKARTA - Film Television (FTV) artist Ridho Ilahi has to deal with the police because he is involved in a case of methamphetamine drug abuse at his home, Cibubur, East Jakarta. Ridho was arrested along with two of his colleagues.

Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit I, AKP Arif Purnama Oktora said, two of Ridho's colleagues with the initials ND and S. In this case, both of them are still witnesses.

"This ND is a woman and S is a man. We are still witnesses so far," Arif told VOI, Monday, June 29.

However, Arif was reluctant to specify who the ND was and about the relationship between the two arrested men and Ridho. It was only stated that ND was one of Ridho's female colleagues.

"Based on the information concerned (Ridho), ND is only his female partner," said Arif.

Regarding the supply of evidence from whom, he also did not want to reveal. Because, currently it is still in the development stage. It's just that the forbidden item was found at Ridho's house.

"Later, it is still under development. Later the evidence will be combined with the development results. We will find the evidence in the room concerned," said Arif.

The arrest process

On a different occasion, West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Audie S Latuheru said Ridho's arrest began when there was information about drug transactions around his residence. Thus, the information was followed up with further investigation.

Based on the results of the investigation, the information was proven to be true. So, an arrest attempt was made. Right on Saturday, June 27, Ridho was arrested along with the two people.

"After investigating it, it turns out that it is true that those concerned use drugs," said Audie.

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