JAKARTA - Commissioner Ancol Geisz Chalifah defended the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan from the interpellation proposed by two factions of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, PSI and PDIP. Geisz said that interpellation was a way to stop Anies, whose electability skyrocketed due to his success in the work program.

"Kmpg Aquarium has been inaugurated, Jakarta International Stadium is only a matter of months away, many projects will be completed in 2021 & 22. This is a danger, especially if Formula E takes place in June. The ekektability will be high. Must be tackled, find a way to bring it down," wrote Geisz while adding the hashtag #InterpelasiBodong on his Twitter page, @GeiszChalifah quoted Friday, 27 August.

Geisz's tweet on the application with the blue bird symbol received a response from Ferdinand Hutahaean. The former Democratic politician who often criticizes Anies does not agree with Geisz.

According to Ferdinand, including the hashtag of a fake interview is the same as accusing the 33 members of the DKI DPRD -- who agreed with Anies' interpellation -- of being a liar.

"This person is the same as accusing the 33 DPRD members who proposed the interpellation of being a liar. This is categorized as hate speech, slander and hoax," Ferdinand wrote to @FerdinandHaean3, Friday, August 27.

"This interpellation is clear, the Legislature's right. This person is very harassing!" he added again.

Take a screenshot of Ferdinand's Twitter

Previously, Ferdinand also criticized political party officials in the DKI Jakarta DPRD for not providing support for Interpelas Formula E.

He wondered why the general chairman of political parties outside PSI-PDIP did not provide support for this interpellation.

"The interpellation that will take place in DKI Jakarta will most likely stall in the plenary because the majority of the members of the Council still support the Governor. But at least the public will hear the general view of the Faction regarding Anies. His personal Twitter, @FerdinandHaean3 quoted by VOI, Friday, August 27.

Ferdinand added, the basis of the interpellation clearly departs from the findings of the BPK regarding Formula E which has the potential to cause losses to the DKI Regional Budget. Then why doesn't the general chairman of a political party support this?

"How are you that the Ketums don't have political pride? Your political price is so cheap it's only a FAKE HOPE going forward with the Incapable of Work Governor who makes the APBD pitch dark? Just because of false hopes, you don't even support interpellation. Duhhh..!! have no price.!" alone Ferdinand.

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