JAKARTA - The Head of the Expert Team for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Prof Wiku Adisasmito asked the public to prepare themselves to start living side by side with COVID-19.

"In the transition period when society begins to live side by side with COVID-19, we should start preparing ourselves," Wiku said at a press conference that was monitored online, reported by Antara, in Jakarta, Thursday, August 26.

He is optimistic that all elements of society will cooperate and foster a sense of responsibility in implementing health protocols in every aspect of life.

"This form of responsibility is reflected in the community's commitment to implementing health protocols in every aspect of life, including at home, on trips, or in activities outside the home," he said.

In an effort to keep COVID-19 cases under control, he said every institution and manager of public facilities needed to supervise and be responsible for the implementation of health protocols in their respective places.

"People need to know that this system is our capital to stay healthy and productive, even though COVID-19 is still side by side with us," he said. This means that people must continue to take preventive measures, such as wearing masks and maintaining social distance.

"And at the same time the government will also do its best to vaccinate as many people as possible and as quickly as possible," he said.

He added that as long as COVID-19 continues to circulate and mutate globally, a spike in infection cases will occur periodically.

"But if this virus behaves like other similar viruses, the spike will taper off over time, as a large part of the population will have immunity, either through vaccination or previous infection and each time there is a new wave," he said.

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