JAKARTA - Ari Wijaya, was sentenced to four years in prison by the West Jakarta District Court for the case of demolition of a luxury house on Jalan Kedoya Alkamal Blok A15/27, Kedoya Selatan Village, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

"He was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Article 363 paragraph (1) of the 5th Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code," said Wellisman Manurung, Ari's attorney when contacted by reporters, Thursday, August 26.

Wellisman considers that after the judge's decision there will be no appeal. The defendant, said Wellisman, when examined was very cooperative, honest and the proceeds were used to pay debts and daily needs, even the defendant Ari Wijaya regretted his actions.

"There is no appeal, the prosecutor and legal advisors accept (the verdict)," he said.

Meanwhile, from the information received, Herman, another defendant who was also involved in this case, was sentenced to one year and six months in prison. Herman was proven to have violated Article 480 of the Criminal Code.

Previously, West Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Pol Ady Wibowo said that the case began when Ari, a resident of Kedoya, saw a banner 'for sale' installed in front of the luxury house.

West Jakarta District Court

When Ari monitored the location, the surrounding environment was quiet. He jumped over the fence to enter the house.

"He jumped the fence, entered the main door, he pryed the door," Ady said in a press conference Wednesday, August 31.

After monitoring and changing keys, Ari offered household items and materials to a number of people, including Herman.

Ari then ordered a number of builders to dismantle the valuable materials in the house. The materials from the demolition of the house were then sold separately.

The house is owned by Rudi Hartodjo (53), a legacy from his parents and is empty.

The case was revealed when MH (56), Rudi Hartodjo's older brother, saw a group of people he did not know were dismantling house materials.

He then asked why the house was demolished. The workers claimed to be ordered by someone else. MH immediately contacted the security complex and the police.

When checking into the house, MH found that the items in the house had disappeared for sale. Building materials including walls, doors, tiles, frames, and banisters in the house are also gone.

In the police report, the victim estimated the loss at Rp1 billion.

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