MATARAM - A corruption case with state losses of more than IDR 1 billion from funds from Sesait Village, North Lombok Regency, has now been brought to the table of the Mataram Corruption Court, West Nusa Tenggara.

"We have transferred the case to the court. In accordance with the stipulation, the inaugural trial is scheduled for Thursday (2/9) next week," said Mataram Kejari Intelligence Section Head Heru Sandika Triyana, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 26.

The suspect in the village fund corruption case for the 2019 fiscal year is Dedi Supriadi, who is a former Sesait village secretary.

In his file, Dedi was subject to Article 2 and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20/2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31/1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

Based on the audit results of the North Lombok Inspectorate, the state's financial losses in the management of DD/ADD Sesait reached Rp1.015 billion.

This state loss is thought to have come from the management of its budget which was used for physical project costs, including the construction of the Pande Well road, the construction of the Pansor Drainage, the construction of the Lokok Ara River, the Pande Sumur Dam, the procurement of durian seeds, and the construction of the Peresean Stage.

"So for this case there are no other suspects, there is no article 55, indications that the corruption is carried out continuously. But later we will see in the facts of the trial, if there is someone else's involvement, we will develop it," he said.

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