SURABAYA - Ditpolairud Polda East Java thwarted sending protected animals from Balikpapan on a ferry to Surabaya. The bird was hidden in a pile of scrap metal.

"There is one perpetrator that we have arrested, named Muchammad Kurniawan, 23, a resident of Kramat II, Ganting, Gedangan, Sidoarjo. The arrest was made this morning at around 01.00 WIB by the Intelligence Team of the Gakkum Sub-Directorate of the Ditpolairud Polda East Java," said Dirpolairud Polda East Java, Kombes Arnapi , Thursday, August 26.

Arnapi said that the disclosure of the smuggling of animals began when the police received information from the public that a ship was smuggling protected birds. The bird was transported by KM. Dharma Ferry VII sailed from Balikpapan to transport passengers to Surabaya.

"Information that we received, there were two trucks with police numbers S 9344 UT and L 8266 UB, which were transporting scraps of scrap metal and carrying protected birds," he said.

Then, at around 01.00 WIB, KM Dharma Ferry VII rested at Jambrud port. Then the intelligence officers saw the two trucks get off the ship and they were followed up.

"Then the two trucks stopped in front of the bank office in the port area of Jalan Perak Timur Surabaya and followed by a gray car," he said.

As it turned out, Arnapi said that his party had encountered an activity to transfer the cargo of rare birds to the car. As a result, it was proven that there were animal birds packaged in cardboard boxes.

"At that location, it was observed that there was an activity to transfer the cargo of several boxes suspected of containing birds from a truck to a Toyota Calya car, then they were arrested and brought to the Ditpolairud office of the East Java Police for further examination," he said.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator violated the criminal act of transporting protected animals, as regulated in Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems.

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