SURABAYA - A semi-permanent house in Surabaya suddenly collapsed and hit a family. One person died.

"The house was inhabited by five people from one family, but when the house collapsed there were four people who fell victim to the rubble. One person died and the rest were injured," said the Head of the Tambaksari Surabaya Police, Kompol Muhammad Akhyar, confirmed on Wednesday, August 25.

Akhyar said the house that collapsed was a second-story semi-permanent house, located on Jalan Tambaksari Selatan Gang 4 Surabaya. Akhyar confirmed that the house collapsed because it was old after examining the crime scene (TKP) and examining witnesses.

"The house has been occupied for four generations. The old building, only added ceramics on the walls, without replacing the structure of the pillars of the building with reinforced cast cement. Because it is still structured as wooden pillars as a support and has aged, the building is no longer sturdy, " he said.

Based on the testimony of witnesses, the incident occurred at around 09.00 WIB, there was a roar from the second floor. Based on the testimony of witnesses, it is suspected that the second floor plinth collapsed first, followed by the wall or walls of the second floor.

"The second floor plinth collapsed, causing the upper right-floor wall to pull and collapse too. The house is not under renovation or construction work," he said.

In this incident, the victim, Fitri Rina Wulandari, died while on her way to Dr Soetomo Hospital. The second victim is Moch. Nauval Harianto. Until now he is still under the care of Dr. Soetomo Hospital.

The third victim is known as Nani Sumarni. He is the parent of Fitri Rina Wulandari, the victim died.

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