JAKARTA - The police have succeeded in arresting five of John Kei's men who were fugitive in the case of the attack and destruction of Nus Kei's house in Cipondoh, Tangerang. The five people are, MSR aka Melky, YBR, WL, FDO, and FHL.

From the information of the five people, new facts were found. One of the suspects said that the original intention was not only to destroy Nus Kei's house, but to burn it.

"There was an attempt to burn down the house rather than belonging to NS at that time. After the destruction, it will be burned," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus in Jakarta, Friday, June 26.

The initial plan was that the FDO suspect threw the gasoline that had been prepared in the car into the house. However, this plan failed. They did not have time to burn Nus Kei's house.

"But he didn't have time (to light a fire, red), he threw it in but he didn't have time to burn it," said Yusri.

The role of the suspect

Meanwhile, the YBR, MSR, WL and FHL suspects had different roles in carrying out the attack which resulted in the death of one victim, namely Yustus.

YBR is said to have not been directly involved in the attack on Sunday, June 21. YBR played a role in planning this action.

"Because his name appeared (from the investigation), Pinyidik arrested him at his residence and we saw a barbuk sajam inside," said Yusri.

Furthermore, the role of MSR is a person who has a firearm. This is because when investigators examined another suspect, JR, it was said that the firearms belonged to MSR.

The suspect, WL, played a role as the perpetrator of the destruction and the person who used a firearm. In fact, WL's shot hit an online motorcycle taxi driver on his toe.

"WL was the one who fired when he left there using a homemade firearm," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, FHL acted as the perpetrator of the vandalism and the driver of the black Fortuner car that crashed into the gate of the Australian Cluster. During the incident on the collision of the gate, a security guard became a victim.

Based on the results of the investigation, the perpetrators fled to Cianjur out of fear because they were being chased by the police.

"So we managed to secure the three of them. Indeed they admit that they fled because they were afraid of hearing it was reported as DPOs. Then they fled to Cianjur," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, a suspect with the initials T had surrendered to the police a few days ago. He played the role of assault on Justus.

After the 6 perpetrators were caught, there were 7 of John Kei's men who were still being hunted. Almost all of them were the perpetrators of the destruction of Nus Kei's house.

"There are 7 fugitives, 1 perpetrator at the TKP Kosambi and 6 TKP Green Lake," said Yusri.

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