JAKARTA - The Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), Dian Ediana Rae is discussing the handling of the issue of socio-religious donations related to the existence of fundraising to support terrorist acts. This is done so as not to give rise to untrue and counterproductive information, and to avoid exploiting public sentiment for unlawful activities.

Based on the information from PPATK received by VOI, it is written that the results of the risk assessment of the crime of financing terrorism in 2021 are seen from the foreign risk map of terrorism financing. In the written statement, countries that are at high risk of being an indication of the source of funding and distribution of terrorism funds into and out of Indonesia are countries that are experiencing serious security disturbances and areas of conflict.

According to Dian, terrorist networks basically get funds from legal and illegal means, either through digital fundraising, transfers, or through cash fundraising such as donations and charity boxes.

The method of financing terrorism carried out, Dian said, could be through the use of corporations or companies, drug trafficking, virtual assets, online loans and the activities of armed criminal groups.

Statistical data on the Suspicious Financial Transaction Reports (LTKM) for Criminal Acts of Terrorism Financing (TPPT) for the period 2016 to May 2021 shows a total of 4,093 LTKM related to Terrorism Financing and 172 results of analysis and information related to Terrorism Financing submitted to the relevant parties.

"This terrorism financing requires a slightly different approach compared to money laundering, such as the nominal amount which tends to be split up, so that in its disclosure it needs more depth which requires the roles of friends from the Police, BIN, and other institutions to be clearer," said Dian, through written statement, Monday 23 August.

In order to maximize joint efforts to prevent and eradicate various potential terrorist activities in Indonesia, PPATK proposes to amend Law no. 9 of 1961 concerning Collection of Money or Goods, and PP No. 29 of 1980 concerning the Implementation of Collection of Donations.

“This change is intended to increase transparency and accountability in raising donations and assistance from the community. This can also prevent polemics in the community regarding donations collected by individuals or individuals," continued Dian.

In addition, in order to optimize the monitoring of terrorism activities, audits of individuals and/or entities that raise donations for domestic and overseas are required. It is necessary to carry out further verification of the recipient of the donation who is abroad.

To make this happen, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics need to play a role in monitoring social media accounts that open donations. “People need to be more careful and more careful in giving or receiving donations or charities. You have to know who is giving and who is receiving," concluded the Head of PPATK.

In accordance with the authorities stipulated in Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering (UU TPPU) and Law Number 9 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Financing of Terrorism, PPATK can carry out the functions of analysis, examination of reports and information on financial transactions with indications of money laundering and terrorism financing crimes.

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