DENPASAR - Around 30 students held a demonstration at the office of the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster in Renon, Denpasar, Bali. They protested the handling of COVID-19 on the Island of the Gods.

These students are members of the representatives of student elements in Bali. Namely from BEM PM Udayana University, BEM PM

National Education University, BEM REMA Ganesha University of Education, BEM IKBM Hindu Indonesia University, BEM ITB Stikom Bali, BEM KBM Bali State Polytechnic.

During the demonstration, the masses carried banners that read, "This building is being sold for people's capital," as well as leaflets criticizing "PPKM!!! Covid is decreasing, hunger is increasing bro!!! the rich shouted prokes,".

Muhammad Nofriansyah Kusumahpratama, one of the coordinators of the mass action and Chair of the BEM at Udayana University, Bali, said the student demonstration in front of the Bali governor's office was to criticize government assistance to communities affected by COVID-19 which has not been evenly distributed.

"We are trying to ensure there is government assistance. Where, we feel that there are a lot of budgets that have not been focused, especially in the province of Bali," said Nofriansyah.

The Bali Provincial Government is considered to have not evenly provided assistance to people affected by COVID-19, especially for small communities. In addition, according to him, people in Bali also do not know much about the mechanism of vaccination.

"Yes (not even) it can be seen how small communities, traders, maybe sweepers, parking attendants and so on. If we ask them so far, a lot of them have not received assistance and it is not clear what government subsidies are and there are many small communities who They don't know what vaccination is, how they can get the vaccine and how can they survive during this COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

The student admitted that he had requested three hearings from the Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster, but it was rejected. Therefore, they held a demonstration.

"We have submitted three hearings with the Governor but all three were rejected. Therefore, we are here to make sure that this is indeed the voice of the community and the voice of the students that must be heard," he said.

It is said that the masses will return to take bigger actions if there has been no change in handling COVID-19 in Bali, including assistance for communities affected by the pandemic.

"Because many Balinese people need assistance from the Bali Provincial Government," he said.

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