JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is collaborating with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) to investigate the alleged blasphemy case against YouTuber Muhammad Kece. Currently, the handling of the case is still in the stage of finding evidence.
"Of course, with other ministries, especially Kominfo, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will cooperate in collecting evidence," said Head of Public Information of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono to reporters, Monday, August 23.
In the search for evidence, continued Rusdi, Kominfo will collect videos suspected of containing elements of blasphemy. Then, the evidence will be submitted to the Criminal Investigation Department investigators.
"Later, Criminal Investigation Unit will coordinate as part of how to collect evidence related to the events that occurred," said Rusdi.
In addition, Rusdi explained that the basis for investigating this alleged blasphemy case was the police report (LP) number LP/B/500/VIII/2021/SPKT/BARESKRIMPOLRI. Where, the report was made on August 21, 2021.
Then, based on the report, the investigator will summon the parties who are considered to be related. For example, the reporter and witnesses.
"Later, investigators will schedule it all," he said.
With the alleged blasphemy case being processed, the public is urged to remain calm. Because the case will be handled according to applicable regulations.
"The National Police appeal to the public, the first is to believe that the Police will solve this incident in a professional manner. The second is for the public to remain calm with this incident so that they do not take counter-productive actions," said Rusdi.
For information, YouTuber Muhammad Kece had delivered several controversial statements. In fact, it is considered blasphemy.
This form of blasphemy is carried out by inserting the word 'Jesus' in the Muslim greeting sentence.
"Assalamualaikum, warrahmatuyesus wabarakatu," said Muhammad Kece.
In addition, he also changed several other sentences. Thus, Muhammad Kece was criticized by various parties.
"Alhamduyesus hirabbilalamin, all praise is due to the presence of the Lord Jesus, the father in heaven who deserves to be praised and worshiped," said Muhammad Kece.
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