JAKARTA - Allegedly as an act of revenge, a brawl between residents of Baladewa and the City of Paris again occurred at the Paris City intersection, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta, Sunday, August 22, evening.

The brawl this time did not last long because the Central Jakarta Metro Police managed to disperse it by firing warning shots into the air three times.

According to SA, one of the local residents said that a brawl had occurred on Sunday, August 22, at night, around 22.00 western Indonesia time. There was also throwing of bottles and stones.

"The brawl didn't take long, it only took 10 minutes to throw stones and bottles at each other. The brawl was right at the crossroads of Paris," said SA, one of the sources at the scene, Sunday, August 22, night.

The brawl was successfully dispersed by the authorities after giving warning shots three times.

The brawl, continued SA, is mostly followed by teenagers who love to make trouble.

"Actually, we Johar residents are tired of this brawl. A little bit of brawl, we don't see it at night, or in the afternoon," he said.

According to SA, tonight's brawl is thought to be the result of revenge from the previous brawl that killed one of the residents. He asked the police and local government to be serious in dealing with the Johar Baru brawls that often occur in Johar Baru.

"Arrest the troublemakers who love to make residents restless," he said.

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