JAKARTA - Members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Abang Metro Police arrested the perpetrators of throwing stones at the Jalan Gatot Subroto People's Crossing Bridge, to be precise in front of the DPR Building, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta.

When arrested by officers, the perpetrator with the initials UM (36) had time to fight against the officers.

The Head of the Tanah Abang Metro Sector Police (Kapolsek), Police Commissioner (Kompol) Singgih Hermawan confirmed the arrest of the perpetrators of throwing a car with a large boulder from the top of the JPO Jalan Gatot Subroto.

Kompol Singgih said the incident occurred on Tuesday, August 17, last night. The perpetrator with the initials UM dropped a large stone from the top of the pedestrian bridge towards the vehicle lane.

At the same time, a four-wheeled Honda BRV with number B 2496 BKE passed on Jalan Gatot Subroto. Right above the hood of the car, the perpetrator immediately dropped a stone so that the top hood of the car was crushed.

"The car was badly damaged, the top part was crushed due to the impact of a hard object from the top of the JPO," he said during VOI confirmation, Saturday, August 21.

In addition to damaging the passing motorist's car, the perpetrator's actions also caused injuries to the motorized patrol unit police officers. A boulder that fell from above after hitting the hood of the driver's car also injured a police officer named Iptu Hendro. The officer fell because he could not avoid the stone dropped by the perpetrator.

"Iptu Hendro suffered injuries to his hands and feet," said the police chief.

According to Singgih, the fallen police officer saw someone throwing something. Then the perpetrator was chased by Iptu Hendro and other drivers.

"When arrested, the perpetrator took out a charter knife and tried to attack the officers. The perpetrator can be incapacitated and taken to the Tanah Abang Polsektro," he said.

Meanwhile, from the confession of the perpetrator of UM to the police, he has several times committed the same crime in that location.

The police chief also suspects that UM is the same perpetrator at the location of the new shooting at Jalan Margonda, Depok, last Sunday, August 15.

"Currently, we are still investigating the involvement of Unggul, whether he played in another location. The perpetrator is charged with Article 406 of the Criminal Code and or Article 335 (1) of the Criminal Code and or Article 2 (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951," he said.

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