JAKARTA - According to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) forecast, the weather will be cloudy to rainy in a number of areas in Indonesia. Those of you who are going to be active outside the home need to prepare everything so that it doesn't rain and is always fit even though the weather is not friendly. For those of you in Jakarta, the weather is forecasted to be cloudy to light rain.
According to the BMKG forecast, Banda Aceh will experience light rain and cloudy skies. Rainy terrain while Padang and Pekan Baru are cloudy. Palembang is predicted to rain and Bandar Lampung is cloudy.
Meanwhile, Bandung and Semarang are expected to receive light rain. Yogyakarta and Denpasar are cloudy, while Surabaya is sunny.

Rain will occur in Manado, Kendari and Makassar are expected to be cloudy. Mataram, Kupang, Manokwari Sunny Clouds. Ternate is rainy and Ambon is cloudy.
Jakarta RainThe Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) asked the public to be aware of the potential for rain accompanied by lightning in the South Jakarta and East Jakarta areas on Saturday afternoon.
BMKG in Jakarta, Saturday, explained that the weather in DKI Jakarta in the morning is expected to be cloudy.
Entering the afternoon, West Jakarta, East Jakarta and South Jakarta are expected to have light rain and sunny cloudy areas in other areas.

Meanwhile, at night until early morning, the entire sky in DKI Jakarta is expected to be cloudy. The air temperature in Jakarta is estimated to be in the minimum range of 23 degrees to 32 degrees Celsius.
While the humidity level ranges from a minimum of 65 to a maximum of 95 percent.
That's the weather forecast from BMKG for today, hopefully it can be a guide for you.
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