JAKARTA - The attorney for the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, Otto Hasibuan, said that he had sent a third warning letter and gave Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Egi Primayogha a last chance to apologize and withdraw his statement.

This is the aftermath of ICW's statement regarding Moeldoko's involvement in the distribution of the antiparasitic drug Ivermectin and the import of rice in collaboration with the Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI) with PT Noorpay Nusantara.

"So I sent a letter to Egi's brother, the third and last warning letter. We explicitly state that we will give 5x24 hours (to answer, ed). So five days to let him relax," Otto said at an online press conference. , Friday, August 20.

If during that time Egi, as the researcher who issued the statement, did not provide an answer or apologized and withdrew his accusation, his party would report it to the police.

"If he doesn't withdraw and I apologize, I state firmly Mr. Moeldoko, we as attorneys will report this to the police. This is our firm conclusion," said the lawyer.

Otto said that the attorney for the former TNI Commander could no longer give a warning because enough time had been given. "So there is no longer any reason to not think well," he said.

He reminded that no party should feel that they can take cover behind reasons of democracy or supervision of the government but turn out to be defaming other people's names. He reminded Indonesia is a state of law.

"So, if in five days Egi and his friends do not retract the statement explicitly and do not apologize to Mr. Moeldoko, we will report this to the authorities, to the police," he concluded.

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