JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government held a declaration of COVID-19 vaccination using Moderna. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that Moderna vaccination in the capital city is prioritized for immunocompromised groups, one of which is autoimmune and comorbid.

"We in Jakarta want all of our citizens to be protected quickly, and today we start by giving the Moderna vaccine for individuals who have immune disorders or are immunocompromised," said Anies at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Friday, August 20.

Anies said, in that group, there is autoimmune, but not only that, people who receive prolonged treatment have an impact on the decline in immunity

There is also a reason the Moderna vaccine was chosen to be given to groups that have complex immunity. Where, the Moderna vaccine is a messenger RNA (mRNA)-based vaccine.

Compared to traditional vaccines containing attenuated viruses, mRNA vaccines are known to have a high level of efficacy, especially for severe disease.

"Well, Moderna's clinical trials show that this vaccine can be very beneficial for people who have severe comorbidities, lung disease, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, liver and HIV infection, in addition to those who are autoimmune," explained Anies.

"Actually, not the Moderna brand, but this type of mRNA method which was later found to be safe and effective for those who have immune disorders, one of the brands is Moderna," he continued.

“Starting today, it will be held at City Hall, and later we will facilitate so that more (autoimmune and comorbid patients receive the Moderna vaccine). Please register later, there is a link, time will be given, so they can get a vaccination schedule, including those who attended here, some of them have been waiting for a long time and there is a foundation that is related to the problem of lupus, "he continued.

It is known that DKI received 200,060 doses of Moderna vaccine. Vaccination using moderna was given to 100,030 residents with each receiving two injections with an interval of administration for 28 days.

The following is the location for the Moderna vaccine injection:

- South Jakarta Fatmawati Hospital Pasar Minggu Hospital Pesanggrahan Hospital Mampang Prapatan Hospital Mayapada Hospital Lebak Bulus Pondok Indah Hospital Medistra Hospital MMCRSIA Brawijaya Health Center Setiabudi District

- East Jakarta Police Hospital Said Sukanto Budhi Asih Hospital Pasar Rebo Hospital Adhyaksa Hospital Kramat Jati Hospital Antam Medika Public Health Center Kramat Jati District, Central Jakarta Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Gatot Subroto Army Hospital Tarakan Hospital St. Carolus RS Abdi Waluyo PPKP City Hall DKI Jakarta Center for Employee Health Services at the Menteng Subdistrict Health Center

- North Jakarta Koja Hospital, Cilincing Hospital, Pademangan Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading Hospital, Tanjung Priok District Health Center

- West Jakarta Dharmais Hospital, Cengkareng Hospital, Taman Sari Hospital, Kalideres Hospital, Pelni Hospital, Public Health Center, Grogol Petamburan District

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