JAKARTA - The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Los Angeles held a Flag Ceremony in commemoration of the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

Considering the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, activities are carried out indoors while still implementing health protocols. With the theme “Indonesia Resilient Indonesia Grows”, the ceremony was attended by limited invitations, such as representatives of the Indonesian community/Diaspora who live in Southern California.

Meanwhile, the virtual presence on the Zoom platform was attended by 100 Indonesian citizens/Diaspores in the working area of the Indonesian Consulate General in LA (Southern Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Utah and Hawaii).

The series of ceremonies are carried out simply and solemnly. The ceremony was led directly by the Indonesian Consul General in LA, Saud P. Krisnawan. While acting as the ceremony commander Fadhly Ahmad (Consul for Information and Social Culture).

"I intentionally took a leave from work because I am very happy to be back at the flag ceremony at the Indonesian Consulate General in LA," said Rosdiana Susanto, a Los Angeles resident who actively participates in various community activities with the Indonesian Consulate General in LA.

The touching comment came from Ms. Manurung, an Indonesian Diaspora who is domiciled in San Bernardino County.

"I deliberately attended this event to introduce Indonesia to my child who was born in the United States, so that he also knows the excitement of the Indonesian Independence Day".

Siska Simanjuntak Hutapea, an Indonesian Diaspora who lives in Guam and is currently visiting Los Angeles, also expressed her happiness at being able to participate in the ceremony at the Indonesian Consulate General in LA.

"It has been more than 30 years since I have been an immigrant in Guam, but I still and continue to love Indonesia, today's event treats my longing with the atmosphere of the Indonesian Independence Day in Indonesia," he said.

The ceremony this time was also attended by 11 Papuan students who also helped as ceremonial officers. The students are currently continuing their education at George Mason University (GMU), Virginia.

Meanwhile, the series of events were also enlivened by interactive Yospan dances by students and guests who attended. Not to forget the performances of Indonesian children's chants and aubade and the nGemufamire dance by the DWP of the Indonesian Consulate General in LA which further brightened the atmosphere of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day.

"It's very exciting, while on vacation we can participate in the Indonesian Independence Day event and meet friends and family of the Indonesian Consulate General in LA," said Eveline Hamadi, a student using the Papuan Government Special Autonomy Fund Education Scholarship and Chair of PERMIAS at GMU.

At the commemoration of the Indonesian Independence Day, the Indonesian Consul General in Los Angeles also confirmed the management and President of the Indonesian American Business Council for the period 2021-2023.

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