JAKARTA - The government has built a platform for the National Solidarity Movement for Handling COVID-19 to strengthen the spirit of mutual cooperation that has been carried out so far to deal with the pandemic and its impacts.

"The Mental Revolution National Solidarity Movement for handling COVID-19 and its impact aims to strengthen what has been done so far so that activities involving elements of society and components of power in society can be mobilized more intensely," said the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Development. Culture (Coordinating Minister for PMK) Muhadjir Effendy was quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 19.

The movement led by Muhadjir was initiated through a virtual national coordination meeting (rakornas) involving more than 500 representatives from various elements of society.

Participants in attendance included Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. TNI Ganip Warsito, Head of Baznas Noor Achmad, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid, governors, regents and mayors as well as representatives from the pentahelix element.

"These activities are all to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 from all lines," said Muhadjir.

He explained the various efforts that had been made and needed to be carried out were enforcing good and correct health protocols in accordance with President Joko Widodo's directives, 3T (testing, tracing, treatment), vaccination, ensuring the availability of drugs, oxygen, hospitals and service facilities that must be carried out. go hand in hand.

"It is impossible for the government to do this alone without the support of other elements, especially from the community component," he said.

According to Muhadjir, since the beginning the government has applied the principle of the pentahelix approach, in which the government is only one of five components, namely the business world, universities or academia, civil society groups and the mass media.

The National Solidarity Movement for Handling COVID-19, said Muhadjir, was the result of a joint agreement in the National Coordination Meeting involving the central government, consisting of ministries/agencies, regional governments, namely governors, regents and mayors, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry representing the private sector, academics and groups. Public.

"All the results of this decision will be formed by a joint secretariat at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture to promote, voice, and promote joint action in the context of building national solidarity against COVID-19," he said.

Muhadjir appreciated the movement as a real practice of mental revolution in strengthening mutual cooperation and humanitarian programs.

"But for that, once again, a joint commitment is needed in strengthening solidarity and mutual cooperation in handling COVID-19," he said.

In addition, meeting participants representing all elements of pentahelix agreed on several things that became a joint conclusion, namely that ministries/agencies were asked to respond to the fulfillment of the needs for handling COVID-19 proposed by the regional government and related parties.

"Local governments must also be able to increase the spirit of solidarity and mutual cooperation by consolidating the mobilization of resources and support for community participation, the active role of the business world, philanthropy, non-governmental organizations and the wider community," he said.

Muhadjir also asked non-governmental organizations, the business world, philanthropy and the media to increase mobilization support and resources in their respective regions for handling COVID-19.

Muhadjir added that strengthening solidarity and mutual cooperation of all elements of the nation is also needed to reduce and stop the death rate, improve health services, accelerate vaccination and distribution of social assistance.

“Regional heads are to provide free masks for underprivileged residents. Likewise, the involvement of the media in providing education, rectifying misleading information or hoaxes and being able to socialize the National Solidarity Movement for Handling COVID-19 and its impacts," said Muhadjir Effendy.

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