JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Language Education and Training Center Brigadier General Ferry Trisnaputra, officially opened the 11th Basic Korean Language Intensive Course (KIB) for TA. 2021, in the meeting room of the Ministry of Defense Badiklat Language Training Center, Jalan Jati, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta.

“The 11th Elementary Korean Language Intensive Course (KIB). 2021 will be held for 5 months from August 19, 2021 to December 22, 2021, with an allocation of 9 participants," said Brigadier General Ferry Trisnaputra to VOI, Thursday, August 19.

According to Ferry, education and training are held to equip the participants with foreign language skills. With this debriefing, it is hoped that the participants will be able to carry out assignments and even participate in education and training abroad.

"Considering the current situation related to the spread of COVID-19, the Ministry of Defense leadership took the decision to carry out education and training lessons in the Ministry of Defense Badiklat environment online or online. With the opening of this course, it is hoped that from now on the participants will concentrate fully on teaching and learning activities in the language they are participating in,” explained Ferry.

Regarding MCH which is conducted online, Ferry also emphasized to the participants to stay focused in the teaching and learning process.

“Take advantage of existing resources, both instructors and native speakers to practice the language you are learning. Cultivate independent learning by utilizing existing information technology. There are many language learning sites that we can access for free.” he explained.

In addition, in supporting this activity, Ferry asked to maintain a healthy body. According to him, there are many ways that can be done to avoid exposure to COVID-19 so that learning can run well.

"Keep doing physical training, both at your residence and in your brother's knighthood as an effort to maintain your health and body immunity. Keep and continuously improve motivation to learn, online method is not an obstacle, online method is a challenge.” he concluded.

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