BANYUWANGI - Anti-mask activity was found guilty of spreading false news (hoax). After the trial, the defendant, M Yunus Wahyudi, attacked the judge at the Banyuwangi District Court.

After being sentenced to three years by the panel of judges chaired by Khamozaru Waruwu, the defendant Yunus shouted and tried to attack the judge.

He walked over to the panel of judges and jumped. The blow didn't hit the presiding judge.

After that, several security guards in the courtroom secured and blocked Yunus. Yunus was then closely escorted by police officers and the Banyuwangi District Court left the trial.

Yunus was initially named a suspect after mentioning that COVID-19 in Banyuwangi did not exist in October 2020. He was also involved in the forced collection of COVID-19 positive bodies.

Public Relations of the Banyuwangi District Court Public Relations of the Banyuwangi District Court, I Komang Didiek Prayoga, said the defendant was sentenced to three years. The verdict was lighter than the prosecutor's demand, which was 4 years in prison.

"The sentence is three years", he said at the Banyuwangi District Court, Thursday, August 19.

He said the Banyuwangi District Court had anticipated by asking the police for security assistance before the trial.

There were 100 policemen standing guard both inside the courtroom including outside the courtroom.

"We have implemented risk management according to the SOP so that the possibility of something happening to the judges can be anticipated", he said.

Yunus was found guilty of violating Article 14 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulation and article 45 letter a Jo article 28 of Law No. 19 of 2016 ITE and article 93 of Law No. 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.

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