SURABAYA - The acceleration of the third dose of vaccination for health workers in Surabaya continues. To date, only 9.194 of the 49 thousand health workers have been injected with the Moderna vaccine, which functions as an immune booster.

"There are 9.194 health workers who have been injected with the third dose of vaccine. Meanwhile, there are 49.000 health workers in Surabaya", said Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, in Surabaya, Thursday, August 19.

Eri Cahyadi said that Surabaya had only received 24 thousand doses of Moderna vaccine since two weeks ago. Since then, vaccinations for health workers have been carried out in stages, because they have to look at AEFI after the vaccine is injected.

"Our health workers are vaccinated in stages because there are AEFIs, ranging from fever and dizziness. If they are injected together, they are worried that many will get sick due to the side effects of the vaccine. That's why we do it gradually", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surabaya City Health Office, Febria Rachmanita, confirmed that as of Wednesday, August 18, 9.194 health workers had been vaccinated.

"That means only 10 percent of the total 49 thousand health workers in Surabaya", said Febria.

She admitted that after being injected with Moderna, the health workers experienced AEFIs ranging from fever, cough, dizziness, and pain. "If that's the case, it must be compressed, so we inject it gradually", she said.

Febria explained that the target for the completion of the 24 thousand vaccines is in August 2021. She also hopes that the Moderna vaccine can come back so that all health workers in Surabaya can immediately be vaccinated.

"God willing, it will be finished by the end of August", she said.

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