JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria responded to the proposal of a number of DPRD Members to hold an Interpellation to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan regarding Formula E.

Although interpellation is the right of DPRD members, Riza hopes that the DPRD leadership will not approve the proposal for the council's interpellation right to Anies. Thus, the interview was not carried out.

"That's the right of every DPRD to exercise their rights. Before the interpellation, hopefully there will be no interpellation. We can dialogue, we can discuss. Everything can be asked openly, transparently. We will explain openly and transparently," said Riza at City Hall DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, August 18.

Riza claimed that his party did not know about the finding of a regional budget loss of Rp. 106 billion if Formula E was held. This finding was disclosed by the PDIP Faction based on the results of the examination by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

"In terms of losses and others, we will wait. That is the task of the BPK, so far there has been no report from the BPK stating that there were losses due to Formula E," he said.

Furthermore, Riza hopes that there will be no spike in COVID-19 cases again in 2022, so that Formula E can run smoothly.

Bearing in mind, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has issued Governor's Instruction (Ingub) Number 49 of 2021 concerning the Settlement of Regional Priority Issues for 2021-2022. One of the programs in the Ingub is the target of organizing Formula E in June 2022.

Initially, Formula E was planned to be held in June 2020. However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused Anies to postpone the electric car racing event.

"God willing, Formula E will still be implemented in 2022. God willing, there will be no significant obstacles. Hopefully there will also be no extraordinary cases related to COVID-19 in 2022," he said.

Previously, the discourse on the right of interpellation to Anies regarding the implementation of Formula E continued. To date, there have been 15 DPRD members from two factions, namely PSI and PDIP, who have agreed to propose an interpellation proposal.

All members of the PSI Faction, totaling 8 people, have signed a letter of application for the interpellation rights of Formula E. Meanwhile, members of the PDIP Faction have signed a total of 7 people.

In DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Regulations of the DKI DPRD, the right of interpellation is proposed to the leadership of the DPRD. The form of the right of interpellation this time was a plenary meeting with Anies to question the reason why Formula E was maintained.

The condition is that the interpellation can be carried out as long as it is signed by at least 15 council members and must be more than one faction. This requirement has been fulfilled by members of the DPRD. However, the interpellation approval will be decided by the chairman of the DKI DPRD.

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