The Issue Of The Presidential Election Being Postponed To 2027 Which Is Denied By The KPU, Rizal Ramli Continues To Criticize The Government For Not Knowing

JAKARTA - The issue of holding the 2024 presidential election will be postponed to 2027 has become a public discussion. The KPU has denied this issue and at the same time emphasized that the presidential election will still be held in 2024.

Regarding this issue, a senior economist who is also the former Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Human Resources during the first Jokowi era, Rizal Ramli, admitted that he could not understand the emergence of the discourse.

According to him, the extension of the period further confirms that the current regime does not know itself.

"So I don't know myself, if we want to extend our power," said Rizal Ramli, Wednesday, August 18.

Regardless of who made the issue, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy in the era of President Gus Dur assessed that the current government does not have outstanding achievements. The government, he said, could only boast about infrastructure development. In fact, the development was carried out at a super expensive cost.

"And making the government's foreign debt become uncontrollable," he said.

Previously, the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Saan Mustopa, had denied the news that the simultaneous general elections (elections) would be postponed to 2027. Saan emphasized that the legislative and presidential elections would still be held in 2024. 2027)," said Saan, Tuesday, August 17.

KPU Affirms Permanent Presidential Election in 2024

Warganet previously highlighted the statement by KPU chairman Ilham Saputra who said there was a discourse on changing Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections and Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Regional Elections. The possibility of the discourse on changing the Election Law which changes the election schedule to 2027 is carried out by taking into account the pandemic conditions.

KPU member I Dewa Raka Sandi also clarified. Dewa said this statement was made a year ago, not on June 23, 2020.

At that time, the DPR and the government were indeed rolling out a discourse on the revision of the Election Law and the Pilkada Law. Until finally, the revision of the law was not carried out.

"Two days later, Ilham Saputra has clarified to the mass media that the general election according to Law Number 7 of 2017 will be held in 2024," Dewa told reporters, Tuesday, August 17.

Dewa revealed that the KPU as an election organizer is obedient and obedient to the applicable laws and regulations, in this case Article 167 paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2017 and Article 201 paragraph (8) of Law Number 10 of 2016 which in principle regulates that the General Election and National simultaneous elections will be held in 2024.

The KPU, he continued, remains focused on its duties, authorities and obligations as stipulated in the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

In addition, the task of the KPU is limited to providing input and experience in running elections and elections to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) as the representative of the Government and the DPR as the legislative representative.

"In the process, coordination has also been carried out in the form of a joint working team consisting of the DPR, the Ministry of Home Affairs, KPU, Bawaslu and DKPP. The Joint Working Team agrees that the General Election and Election will still be held in 2024. The election is planned for February 21, 2024 and the Regional Head Election on November 27, 2024," he concluded.

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