JAKARTA - Head of the Regional Intelligence Agency (Kabinda) of West Kalimantan Brigadier General Rudi Tranggono stated that the suspected terrorist arrested by the Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Team at the National Police Headquarters last week collected funds for their activities from the charity box.

"Those involved in terrorist networks are deliberately influenced and brainwashed with radical ideas so that later they can carry out acts of terror that can disturb the public," said Rudi Tranggono in a written statement in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 18.

He explained that the suspected terrorists who were arrested yesterday were those who were tasked with finding funds for their activities through charity boxes in restaurants and mosques without knowing if the money was to support their activities.

In fact, said Kabinda of West Kalimantan, the intention of the people who donated to donate to charity, however, these groups used the alms money for terrorism activities.

"This is very dangerous, so all parties must remain vigilant, but must be optimistic because it is our intention to give alms. However, we must be careful not to let alms money from the public be used for terrorist organizations," he said.

He appealed to the public to stay smart when giving charity, if there is a charity box on behalf of an orphanage or Islamic boarding school, it must be checked whether it is registered with a government agency. Meanwhile, he is concerned about the development of these radical ideas.

"Yesterday there was an acceptance for health workers, of the 40 people who registered after being selected, only nine people, of that number who do not understand Pancasila, there are three people, and those who understand radicalism from the results of the TWK (national insight test) and mental ideology are six people. This means There are now many young people who do not understand Pancasila and understand radicalism," he explained.

Regarding the presence of terrorists in West Kalimantan, he compared Pontianak to a large river that does not have waves but will wash away.

"Similarly, there is terrorism in West Kalimantan, even though we have not considered terrorists here at all, but it turns out that some have been arrested in West Kalimantan," he said.

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