After The Flag Ceremony, Ganjar Pranowo Gave A Motorbike For An Honorary Teacher With A Salary Of Rp. 800 Thousand
Motorcycle Recipient Teacher from Ganjar Pranowo (Photo: YT Ganjar Pranowo)

JAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo, Governor of Central Java, held a ceremony with residents with the status of asymptomatic people at the central isolation yard of the Donohudan Hajj Dormitory, Boyolali, Central Java, Tuesday, August 17. The ceremony was attended by 200 residents who are undergoing isolation, health workers and volunteers, including the TNI and Polri, wearing full hazmat clothes, starting at around 07.15 WIB.

Ganjar wants to hold a ceremony with residents of COVID-19 survivors along with health workers and volunteers at the central isolation area of the Haji Donohudan Boyolali Dormitory.

"I think that during the August 17 celebration ceremony, all of us are still feeling the sadness. I want everyone to be excited and the spirit of the survivors was seen and I want this time together with health workers to be able to celebrate the 17th in Donohudan," he said. quoted from Ganjar Pranowo's YouTube channel.

After the ceremony, Ganjar had a dialogue with OTG residents and gave encouragement along with the commemoration of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day to fight COVID-19, so that they immediately recovered (healthy) and returned to their respective regions.

On that occasion, he also gave a motorbike as a gift to a teacher named Atlas from Kemalang District, Klaten, whose birthday coincided with Indonesian Independence Day.

"As a teacher, not a civil servant, how much do you pay a month?" asked Ganjar.

"Rp 800,000 to Rp 1 million," Atlas replied.

While joking, Ganjar asked what gift he wanted for his birthday. Ganjar initially wanted to give a fruit gift. However, that wish was replaced.

"For Mas Atlas, I gifted a motorbike. To get healthy, teach him to be enthusiastic, I pray for a long life," said Ganjar Pranowo, who was greeted with applause from all the ceremony participants.

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