JAKARAT - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, said that her duty as a reader of the text of the Proclamation at the Commemoration Ceremony of the Seconds of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Tuesday, August 17, had its own meaning for her.

"This task was entrusted to me regarding my position as the Chairman of the DPR RI. However, I am one of those people who do not believe in a mere coincidence, that my grandfather was the one who was asked to read the Poklamasi Text and 76 years later his granddaughter was asked to read the same text. ," said Puan in her statement in Jakarta, quoted from ANTARA, Sealsa, August 16.

According to him, the task of reading the text of the Proclamation which was read by Bung Karno 76 years ago has its own meaning for him as the grandson of the Proclaimer.

He admitted that he could feel the uncertain atmosphere due to World War II when Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945. "Today, the world feels the same uncertain atmosphere due to the 'war' against COVID-19 and the Delta variant," he said.

Therefore, Puan tried to reflect on the message behind the task given to her as a reader of the Proclamation Text at the Commemoration Ceremony of the Seconds of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in the context of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

"What is the meaning of this task, that is what I keep trying to contemplate, what message and mission do I carry? One thing that I have understood since the day I was appointed as Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives is that I must continue to maintain and fight for the ideals of independence desired by the people of Indonesia. our founding fathers and previous fighters," he said.

According to him, an independent Indonesia must be politically sovereign, economically independent, and have a personality in the culture of its nation. Puan explained that the Proclamation is proof that independence can be achieved if the Indonesian people are united and share common goals.

"That if our nation works together, we can make anything happen. The proclamation is the beginning of the process of building this republic into an Advanced and Great Indonesia," said Puan Maharani.

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