JEMBER - Jember District Court judges sentenced Imron Baihaqi, a member of the Jember Regency DPRD, East Java for 25 days. Imron was found guilty of assault.

"The panel of judges has read out the verdicts for the defendants, members of the Jember DPRD, who are judged to have been proven and guilty by issuing a verdict of 25 days in prison," said Public Relations of the Jember District Court, Slamet Budiono, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 16.

The Jember United Development Party (PPP) politician was proven guilty of committing a criminal act of persecution in accordance with the indictment of Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

The judge's decision was lighter than the demands of the Jember District Attorney's General Prosecutor (JPU) who demanded one month in prison and paid the case amounting to Rp. 5,000 because he was found guilty of committing a criminal act of persecution.

"The panel of judges handed down a lighter decision than the prosecutor's demands because the case had gone through a peaceful way, even the victim asked for the defendant to be released from punishment," he said.

Meanwhile, the legal adviser for the defendant Imron Baihaqi, Nur Wakib, said the judge's decision to his client who was a defendant in the case of persecution was a fair decision by the panel of judges.

"My client was sentenced to 25 days in prison and in the trial admitted that what he had done was wrong, so he has apologized, both to the victim and the community," he said.

With this verdict, he continued, the defendant did not have to undergo bodily confinement again because he had already served 16 days of detention at the Jember Class IIA Prison and 50 days of city detention, which is one fifth of the 10 days of bodily detention, so that his client has served 26 days of confinement.

After the panel of judges read out the verdict on the abuse case, Jember DPRD member Imron Baihaqi was immediately released because he had already served the sentence.

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