JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) calls on all members to wear black ribbons as a visualization of their concern for the death rate due to COVID-19 in Indonesia. starting on August 17, 2021 for one full month," said the General Chairperson of PB IDI Daeng M Faqih through a press release received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, August 16. in the midst of the increasing COVID-19 pandemic. "In fact, cases of high mortality in the community are accompanied by high deaths of doctors and other health workers," he said.

Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic which has had a very serious impact on the economy is felt by people who have lost their livelihoods, sources of life and other social problems, said Daeng. and all Indonesian people who are struggling to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Internal organizations and coordination with the government and related parties in the regions to work together to make maximum efforts to handle COVID-19. Confirmed separately, Head of the PB IDI Mitigation Team Adib Khumaidi said the call was part of the profession's concern for the high mortality rate of health workers." Trash i August 2021 1,700 health workers died during this pandemic season. As many as 640 of them are doctors who died," he said. In addition, the call is also a visualization of the concern about the death rate due to COVID-19 in the community. "This call is to make all parties aware that we must solve this pandemic problem together, "He said. Adib also advised the government that all work programs to handle COVID-19 that were already running well could be maintained.

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