JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the DPR from the PKS faction, Mardani Ali Sera, criticized President Joko Widodo's state speech at the MPR Annual Session with the DPR and DPD.

He deeply regrets the absence of condolences for the hundreds of thousands of Indonesians who died due to COVID-19 from President Joko Widodo in his state address this morning.

In fact, said Mardani, many people from Sabang to Merauke have lost their families, relatives and health workers in the midst of this pandemic.

"President Jokowi should apologize and condolences on behalf of the government and the state for the deaths of nearly 120,000 Indonesians due to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Mardani to reporters, Monday, August 16.

Mardani assessed that the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been running for the past 1.5 years, has also not been effective. One of the reasons is the communication crisis that Jokowi must immediately address.

“The government needs to strengthen public communication in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them is by appointing the main spokesperson as the capital to increase the collective awareness of the community," said Mardani.

The chairman of the PKS DPP also reminded the central government to improve communication patterns with local governments. According to him, this is important to reduce the synchronization in the harmonization of central government policies that often change, especially in the health and economic fields.

In addition, he said, health services and personnel must be strengthened as an effort to handle this pandemic crisis.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a problem for doctors. The shortage of doctors is only the result of the unpreparedness of the health care system. The government has no other choice but to strengthen health services and boost the implementation of vaccinations," said Mardani.

The DKI Jakarta legislator added that in addition to health services that need to be strengthened, the welfare of health workers must also be considered by the government. As the front line and supporting factors for effective health services, it is proper for health workers to get special appreciation and support from the government in the form of incentives that are the rights of health workers.

"There should not be arrears in claims of funds for handling COVID-19 that have not been paid, so that hospital operations and services remain optimal and for the welfare of health workers who have struggled," he stressed.

Mardani also revealed that law enforcement in the second era of Joko Widodo's administration needs public attention. As a result, he said, there are several laws that are full of controversy and have the potential to cause moral problems in law enforcement.

“The issue of the formation of the KPK Law, the omnibus law on job creation, the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Law and the changes to the UI statutes, for example, clearly illustrate the fundamental problems of our legal world. There is manipulation of legal functions by power holders that blinds the public," said Mardani.

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