JAKARTA - The National Police stated that thousands of charity boxes confiscated from the Syam Organizer Secretariat office were the modus operandi of the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) network. The goal is to raise funds for the welfare of members and groups.

"Improving the economy of JI members in the field of tajhiz and to increase infaq funds for the sustainability of the banned JI organization," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Monday, August 16.

In addition, the results of the examination also revealed that the Syam Organizer is a charitable foundation belonging to the JI network. Where, the headquarters of the foundation is located in Jakarta.

"The purpose of establishing the Syam Organizer is to raise funds with the aim of attracting public sympathy through humanitarian programs," said Ramadhan.

"In order to avoid suspicion from the authorities, the third one can move freely in raising funds so that they can get maximum funds," Ramadhan continued.

Then, the main suspect with this mode initials RH. He is the chairman or person in charge of the program.

The suspect RH was also known to agree with other terrorist suspects who had been arrested with the initials AYR and US.

In addition, Ramadhan also mentioned that the JI network often raises funds by taking advantage of international issues such as Palestine. They seem to want to send aid to Palestinians affected by the war.

"The first form of fundraising for Syam Organizer or SO is water for same by dropping clean water to Palestine and having 3 water wells in Syria," said Ramadhan.

"Then safe children for Syria and Palestine, then building houses in Syria, then sacrifices caring for Syam, Ramadan caring for Syam, Syam bred factory, emergency relief, Syam productive assistance," said Ramdhan.

Previously reported, Densus 88 Anti-terror confiscated 1,540 boxes of charity suspected of being linked to funding for terrorism groups. Thousands of charity boxes were obtained from the Syam Organizer Secretariat office.

The charity box was not what it used to be. Because, there is writing 'piggy bank' in one part.

Then, it was confirmed that the thousands of charity boxes were not obtained from mosques or other places. But at the secretariat office located in the Soreang area, Bandung.

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