MEDAN - President Joko Widodo asked Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin to lower the price of PCR swab tests in Indonesia to IDR 450-550 thousand. This follows public complaints that the price of PCR in Indonesia is high, reaching almost IDR 1 million

Meanwhile, when compared to India, the price of the PCR test is only 500 Rupees or the equivalent of IDR 96 thousand.

Responding to Jokowi's instructions, the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi left the decision to the experts. Because it is necessary to study the price of PCR.

"It will be needed to be studied by experts, I don't understand it, because it's a trade matter", said Gubsu Edy to reporters in Medan, Monday, August 16.

But personally, Governor Edy wants PCR tests at health facilities to be carried out free of charge.

"I wish it was free, not lowered", he said.

In North Sumatra, the price of a PCR swab test ranges from IDR 700 thousand to IDR 1 million. However, free PCR facilities are also provided for free in Medan City.

Such as in the North Sumatra Provincial Government Health Laboratory, USU Hospital to the Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering Center (BTKLPP). There are hundreds of people there every day for free PCR tests.

Previously, the government continued to encourage an increase in the number of corona testing in an effort to prevent the spread. The PCR test is rated as one of the most accurate COVID-19 tests.

However, the price of PCR tests is still high, some reaching up to IDR 1 million. Responding to the high price of PCR tests, President Jokowi asked Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin to lower the price of PCR tests.

"I have spoken to the Minister of Health about this. I asked that the cost of the PCR test be in the range of IDR 450.000 to IDR 550.000", said Jokowi.

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