JAKARTA - The traditional Baduy elder who is also the Head of Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar Sub-district, Lebak Regency, Jaro Saija is proud that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wears Bedouin clothing in the Speech of the Joint Annual Session of the MPR, DPR and DPD in Jakarta.

"We certainly give great appreciation to Mr. President Jokowi who wears the traditional clothes of the Baduy people," he said in Lebak as reported by Antara, Monday, August 16.

President Jokowi's use of traditional Baduy clothing is likely to revive around 2,000 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of the Bedouin community. Currently, MSMEs are suffering from the impact of the pandemic.

In fact, MSME actors in the customary land rights area have closed their business activities because they are no longer visited by tourists who usually come from various regions, such as Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi.

"We believe that MSME players will be flooded with orders after President Jokowi wears the Baduy dress," he explained.

According to him, most of the MSME actors in the Baduy community produce various woven crafts, Bedouin batik, kampret or pangsi clothes, scarves, souvenirs or souvenirs, honey head binding cloth and machetes.

The clothes that Jokowi wears are dumpling clothes that the Baduy people use everyday.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, he said, the Baduy community settlement in Kadu Ketug Village was always crowded because residents held merchandise made by MSME actors in house halls.

"We hope that the Bedouin MSME actors will rise again because the number one person in Indonesia loves the traditional clothing of the Baduy people," he explained.

Likewise, the traditional elder of the Baduy community, Saidi Yunior, admitted that he certainly feels proud that President Jokowi wears traditional Badui clothing, so that it will have an impact on the income of MSME actors.

The use of clothing used at the Annual Sessions of the MPR, DPR and DPD, he said, Indonesia has a diversity of ethnic differences, customs, languages and beliefs is a symbol of the wealth of invaluable cultural treasures.

"We hope that the unity and integrity will be stronger to improve the people's welfare," he said.

Meanwhile, Kudil (40), a Bedouin MSME actor, said that President Jokowi's use of Bedouin clothing will certainly have a positive impact on increasing the income turnover of the crafters.

Currently, the price of Bedouin clothing starts from Rp. 100 thousand to Rp. 450 thousand and depends on the quality.

Bedouin clothing is simpler and has its own philosophy because the Bedouin people love nature. Most Bedouin clothing styles are dominated by black, white and blue.

"We have orders for clothes that Jokowi is wearing today," he said.

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