BENGKULU – In the process of searching for the perpetrators of the COVID-19 ambulance officer robbery that occurred in the Gardu Hamlet, Head of Curup Village, on Saturday 3 July, the Rejang Lebong Resort Police (Polres) in Bengkulu needed community participation.

"In revealing yesterday's ambulance robbery case, we need community participation, without the participation of the community it will not work," said Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Puji Prayitno at the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters, citing Antara, Sunday 15 August.

Puji Prayitno explained that with community participation, the process of revealing cases of robbery of health workers (nakes) in his area could be faster, and six more suspected perpetrators could be arrested immediately.

Of the seven suspected perpetrators of the robbery of PSC 119 Rejang Lebong ambulance officers, said Puji, currently only one person has been arrested on Friday, August 6, namely DS (21). DS is known to be a resident of Gardu Hamlet, Head of Curup Village, Binduriang District, Rejang Lebong Regency, while 6 other people are still at large.


- Titik-sekat-ppkm-darurat-polisi-buat-lagi-skema-baru-jam-sepsikatan




According to him, without the participation of the public, the disclosure of the case would not be successful considering the number of personnel they have is very limited. If the disclosure of criminal cases is only carried out by the police themselves, the solution cannot be comprehensive.

"It's like an iceberg, we can only trim the top while the root of the problem at the bottom is not finished. But if it involves community participation, God willing, everything will be resolved," he explained.

In order to arrest the six suspects for the robbery of the COVID-19 ambulance officers, his party has designated them as DPO cases of violent theft, where all of them are residents of Rejang Lebong, including BY (20), BM (35), EDS (33), FM (18 ), then RG, age unknown and Rb (17).

The existence of the perpetrators of the ambulance officer burglary, he said, was always moving and hiding in plantations in the hills so that officers had difficulty catching him so that people who could provide information on their whereabouts would be given a cash reward of Rp 5 million.

Previously, the robbery case of two PSC 119 Rejang Lebong officers who were driving an ambulance plate BD 9177 KY by seven perpetrators occurred on the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road, precisely in the Gardu Hamlet, Head of Curup Village, Binduriang District, Rejang Lebong Regency, at around 01.00 WIB.

The ambulance, which had just returned from taking the COVID-19 patient to the Bunda City Hospital in Lubuklinggau, South Sumatra, had a tire burst and was then robbed by seven perpetrators, resulting in the loss of two mobile phones, medical equipment, and Rp150,000 in cash.

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