JAKARTA – One of the pet shops (pet shop) in the Ciracas area, became a victim of fraud. Luckily, the perpetrator's actions were caught on CCTV in the shop, making it easier for the police to investigate the case.

From the CCTV camera footage, it can be seen that one of the three perpetrators entered the shop located on Jalan Cibubur 1, Ciracas Village, East Jakarta. The perpetrator in the red shirt initially exchanged the coins he was carrying with plastic.

Baran, a pet shop keeper, said that at first the perpetrator asked for his coins to be exchanged for banknotes worth Rp. 2.7 million. But he refused because the amount requested was insufficient, there was only Rp800 thousand. However, said Baran, the perpetrators still want the money to be exchanged for the existing amount.

Forced, the shopkeeper gave it to him, and received coins in a plastic bag belonging to the perpetrator. Not long after, the perpetrator immediately fled from the shop. The shopkeeper's suspicions were proven, after calculating the money in the plastic only amounted to Rp. 190 thousand, not Rp. 800 thousand.

"It happened at night when it was about to close, 3 people came offering loose change. He said he was ordered to by my boss. Yes, he said the figure didn't make sense, at first he asked for around Rp. 2.7 million," said Baran, Sunday, August 15.

The three perpetrators divided the tasks while carrying out the action. Two people are watching outside the shop, his partner is again the executor of a dime scam.

"The perpetrator said he didn't really believe it, the boss asked him to hurry up, I continued to give him the money. Then the boss came, I calculated that the money was only Rp. 190 thousand. The three of them rode a motorbike," said Baran.

Despite being harmed, the shop owner has not reported the fraud case to the police. The actions of the perpetrators also made the shop owner nervous.

"If you report (the police) it's the boss's business (pet shop owner). The perpetrator looks like a busker. He (the perpetrator) is so familiar," he said.

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